global design

Amy Devers Lecture | China Academy of Art

Nice write-up on the lecture I gave at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou… ——————————————————————————————–|   4 月 12 日,应设计艺术学院邀请,美国阔叶木外销委员会大中华区委员、我院客座教授方振华先生(香港)及著名设计师、 电视节目主持人 Amy Dever(艾美•德弗斯女士 美国)举办题为“创‘椅’无限 2011 美国阔叶木家居设计大赛”的主题讲座,得 到了设计艺术学院师生的热烈反响和高度评价。讲座由综合设计系黄斌斌老师主持。 Invited by…

Designer People premieres February 1st!

Ovation TV will debut another season of Designer People, which features cutting-edge designers, on February 1. Designer People will be featured as part of Ovation’s week-long Drop Dead Design event….