Amy Devers Lecture | China Academy of Art

Nice write-up on the lecture I gave at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou…
4 月 12 日,应设计艺术学院邀请,美国阔叶木外销委员会大中华区委员、我院客座教授方振华先生(香港)及著名设计师、 电视节目主持人 Amy Dever(艾美•德弗斯女士 美国)举办题为“创‘椅’无限 2011 美国阔叶木家居设计大赛”的主题讲座,得 到了设计艺术学院师生的热烈反响和高度评价。讲座由综合设计系黄斌斌老师主持。
Invited by the School of Design and Arts, members of the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) Greater China Office, Visiting Professor Mr Patrick Fong (Hong Kong) and famous designer & TV presenter Ms Amy Devers (USA) organized a talk with the theme of American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) Greater China (GRCH) Furniture Design Competition 2011 on April 12, 2012. The response of the teachers and students of the School of Design and Arts were enthusiastic. The talk received many positive comments and it was officiated by Mr Huang Binbin, teacher of the Department of Comprehensive Design.
方振华教授介绍了美国阔叶木家居设计大赛优秀作品的创作理念与设计思维的分析,以阐明创“椅”无限 2011 美国阔叶木家居 设计大赛的核心主张。然后,由艾美•德弗斯女士来讲述她对艺术设计的设计经历及其认识。艾美•德弗斯女士丰富的设计经 历以及艺术家、设计师、家具制作者、电视节目主持人的多重身份引起了同学们的浓厚兴趣,讲座现场座无席,气氛轻松热 烈。讲座围绕一系列自我拷问展开,通过精彩的影视 DIY 节目作品,独到深刻的观念、生动诙谐的语言、活泼互动的形式, 艾美•德弗斯女士诠释了设计师对事业、生活、他人和自己应该持有的态度,并详细回答了同学们提出的各种问题。讲座令同 学们受益匪浅,所带来的不仅是创意灵感的启示,更是思维观念的冲击,更开拓对“跨界”视野的认识。
Professor Patrick Fong introduced the creative concepts and design thinking of the good works in the AHEC GRCH Furniture Design Competition 2011 in order to clarify the core idea of the Contest. It was followed by the presentation of Ms Amy Devers on her design experience and understanding of art and design. The multiple identities of Ms Amy Devers, profound design experience as well as artist, designer, furniture makers, TV show host, has aroused the keen interest of students. The talk recorded a full-house and the atmosphere of the talk was relaxing. Amy’s talk was started by a series of self-questions, following by the wonderful works of television DIY shows. With unique and profound concepts, lively and witty language in vigorous and interactive format, Amy Devers has interpreted the attitude of a designer should have on his/her career, life, other people and himself/herself to the students. She has also responded to the various issues raised by the students. This lecture benefited the students not only on creative inspiration, but also on the impact of thinking concept and open up their understanding of crossover possibilities. 讲座结束后,设计艺术学院的部分专业教师与艾美•德弗斯女士和方振华先生就一系列专业话题进行了沟通,为今后进一步的 交流与合作奠定了基础。
After the lecture, professional teachers of the School of Design and Arts communicated and shared ideas with Ms Amy Devers and Mr Patrick Fong which help to build up a foundation for further exchanges and cooperation in the future.
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