My Favorites | Dwell on Design 2014

The lovely Anwar LED lighting collection for Parachilna by Stephen Burks. Derek Chen observed that they are successful in a way that’s very “fabrication-aware.” I concur.
Ooh baby baby. Salt and Pepper’s here, and we’re in effect. Tower Salt and Pepper Grinders by Tom Dixon Studio (@tomdixonstudio) on offer from Dwell Store. #ILikeThis
Such handsome tomato cages! Thanks Terra Trellis (@terrasculpture), the garden should complement the yard.
I love this Boo Fire Basket by Martin Kallin for Skargaarden on offer from Dwell Store. I want one for my house. #ILikeThis
Watermark, digitally printed cabinet, by Stacy Binns for Fringe Studio. Beauty! @fringestacy @_fringe_studio #StatementPiece
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